- i came in 7th of 12 in my fantasy pool, which pisses me off because i really thought i could make the ground into sixth (8 points) by season's end... buuuut apparently my pool had a playoff format so the top six teams spend the last three weeks battling for the title. i now have a bye for the next week (the screaming dobermans are tops in the consolation round), which kindof defeats the purpose of being in a fantasy league. *lame* ... i'm KILLING in my facebook pool: 1.75 points behind canuck-loving htp pal, goad, and miles ahead of all my other friends.... in two other pools, i find myself 126th of 149 (mikeH is 98th), and 19th out of 71... this last one will pay me out ten bucks anyways cause the guy i made a side-bet with is 59th... i guess i'm just not that good at regular season pools, but i'm still totally proud of the fact that i won $600 in a playoff pool in 2003....
-speaking of playoffs, it's not looking like the flames are gonna make it this year... if i was in charge, i'd clean house in the front office and install some non-sutters to run the team. of course, if i was in charge, i wouldn't have to petition the new regime to hire me... ;)
- dustin boyd may have landed the proverbial deathblow to darryl sutter's job in calgary by netting two goals for the preds and solidifying their rank in the top 8.....it's all so magnificently ironic i can't begin to describe it.... if i was any good at photoshop, i would take this image and give the little dude in the front a blonde afro, and the big dude in the back bigger ears.... aaand while on the subject if you try to write "darryl" in T9 on a cellphone (aka: predictive texting), it gives up after writing "ears." i've been meaning to share that for eons....
***UPDATE: my buddy nuuuugs over at gripping the stick did (in ten minutes) what would have taken me five hours and created my boyd v. daz image.... THANK YOU !!!!! :-D
-apparently the most common submission in the contest to name the newest additions to the RCMP's K9 unit is "crosby." i thought i'd put this in because i know arik likes puppies.

- darryl sutter ruined my team.
- i realize this is way old news but it's been kickin' around the desktop for awhile.... puckdaddy did a photoshop contest with the "golden roar" and had about a gazillion submissions; my favorite of which was not the winner:

have a great week, friends !!!
[sutter(s) dismissal countdown: day 19]
I will take that bet.
Had to drive up to the 'chuk this morning, and the whole way the radio was saying that Lanks is ok. I sure hope so, because coming down on your neck that way looked pretty dangerous. I'm pulling for the guy same as everyone else.
I vote that the team should consider you as Daz's replacement this off-season. But first I have a hearty, "In your face!" to throw out, considering I kicked your butt in the one pool we're in together. I hope you manage the flames better...
I can't believe this team has screwed themselves up so royally; there's just too much talent walking through our dressing room this year to shit the bed as they have. I'm hoping your countdown doesn't have much longer to run.
And those puppies are cute, even if puppies do always grow up to be dogs. My name suggestion: Pocketdawg.
Oh, and Edmonton CBC actually had a band on this morning called "Pre-Post". C'est bizarre, non?
If I was trying to insult Dustin Boyd I'd tell him that he carries a purse full of rocks.
mikeH: the name suggestion, while awesome, doesn't fit the criteria. apparently the RCMP names their dog litters the way the bureau of meterology names hurricanes/cyclones. this year (the third litter since the program's inception), all puppy names will start with C. it also says that the names must be one or two syllable (i presume they use a similar method for naming dogs that you would for naming children).
ps: mikeH's method for naming children involves testing out how it would sound in this sentence, "HEY, ___________ !!! PASS THE PUCK !!"
Sorry, as usual I'm playing catch up with the rules. To take a page out of "Stand By Me" (where is Wil Wheaton these days?), I think the test for police dog names should be:
"Hey ______, sic balls!"
If the dog is named "Crosby", you might want to be very careful and enunciate properly. Things could get very awkward, very quickly.
Crosby already knows how to sic balls. Ask Valabik.
P.S. Slow motion voice is awesome.
A friend of mine picked up her yellow lab puppy on 01March. Naturally, his originally chosen name (which I can no longer remember) was tossed out in favour of Crosby :)
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