Saturday, April 21, 2007


i was trying to decide if "embarassing" or "brutal" would be better to describe the flames' play in the 2nd period. i've chosen "brutal" because dan cleary cornered the market on "embarassing" when he slid into the boards with nobody around him, and knocked himself silly.

love those neverending hankerchiefs & squirty flowers, boys.

playfair, you absolute fucking chump, you. i cannot wait till next year when we have a real coach.



Anonymous said...

So four of us are angry enough to post mid-game.

It is the Flames playing badly and not the Wings playing at Level 11, right?

leanne said...


I don't think the Wings have really had to crank it today at all. Dammit, at least make them work!

Did anybody else laugh when the fans in the Joe were campaigning for a penalty vs. the invisible man for taking Cleary out?

Anonymous said...

you guys are a bunch of'd think living in canada and spending all the time you guys do on the ice you would have sooner or later got caught in a rut yourselves....ya bunch of idiots...

leanne said...

In Canada, we know the rulebook well enough to realize there will be no penalty on that play.

If Detroit can't properly maintain their own ice, well. It's their loss.