i really have to say that i'm pretty much exhausted, at this point. i think i'm gonna need a vacation from the vacation upon my return, and i'll want to sleep for days..... and the reallly good stuff hasn't even started yet !!!! according to googlemaps, mikeH and i walked 5+ kms to gm place on saturday, and yesterday, my buddy Z and i walked about the same distance to the fairview pub on broadway for the game..... it turns out i didn't bring the right shoes for hiking. ;)
i also had a conversation, before leaving calgary, about what outerwear to bring and opted for a raincoat (unused, thusfar), a light spring jacket, and a heavy spring jacket. i realized yesterday that i should've brought my 1988 era sun-ice. bummer....
i don't really want to talk about canada's loss last night. a lot was made about brodeur's ineffectiveness and the sentiment was largely that bobbylou (or bob luongo to some) should get the start in the qualification playoff on tuesday.... i fully admit we're in a jam, here, cause that's a recipe for disaster, IMO. marty looked pretty rough but i think the hometown goalie's gonna get lit up... i guess it depends on who we end up facing.... not a pretty situation for babcock and stevieY...
the silver lining is, of course, that the tickets i have in-hand are for the 16:30 QP tomorrow (tuesday), which probably means it'll be the canada game. it also means that the sweet angel from heaven who sold them to me coulda got a LOT more dough.... oh, and it means the spectators in the vicinity are gonna hate me, my voice is going to fail, and my liver might not make it until wednesday.... the other silver lining is that canada got a shameful 5 points out of a total of 9 in the round robin and still could win a gold medal (albeit unlikely with their current level of play).
the OTHER silver lining is that, if canada doesn't take home a medal in men's ice hockey, jon montgomery is clearly the new face of the olympics (and i'm okay with that). the pub i was in for the US - CAN hockey game absolutely ERUPTED when they showed skeleton's gold medal winner sluggin' back a few sips from a jug of ale after his big win..... pure awesomenes... :)

oh, and none of my photos, currently, are worth posting. i need to learn how to use my camera. :)
Tell your liver I'm cheering for it.
LOL 2:43am, hey justin ?
mikeH just requested to meetup downtown around noon. i asked what his plans were from noon to four, "cause my liver wants to know."
I've decided from now on to bypass WI entirely and just tell her liver what we're doing.
Hey WI's liver: Noon to four - lunch and beer with optional shopping trip for Team Canada gear. Be on the lookout for shots of Jag. Oh, and I don't want to hear any whining, the whole country's pride is on the line.
All good. Tell Iggy to play hard and Thornton to stay off the ice. And if you have it, wear the Gio 5. They could use the goodness.
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