well i guess i won't be getting a sjöström jersey this season (and therefore, probably never).
the calgary sun has revealed this season's vintage throwback jersey, which is essentially '89 era with some added stupid NHL logo around the neck and (to my eye) larger/fatter/more cumbersome numbering.
....thoughts ?
i dunno. i see a 3rd jersey as an opportunity to do something fresh and new. something that will make your fans want to go out and immediately purchase the thing to wear proudly... this one screams "i've already got it" to me, and i think we'll see a hell of a lot more black flaming Cs at the dome this year than these ones.
they'll look cool on the ice, yes. but what a waste of time and effort (if you ask me).
sortof heartbroken, but at least i know the dudes at the nhl store / icethetics are accurate in their predictions....
also peaking me in the annoying category is that they never really altered the 30th anniversary logo (the font's a bit different and the tower's red ---which i like). glaringly absent is the saddledome. what a bunch of idiots they are at calgary flames design hq....
also peaking me in the annoying category is that they never really altered the 30th anniversary logo (the font's a bit different and the tower's red ---which i like). glaringly absent is the saddledome. what a bunch of idiots they are at calgary flames design hq....
I'm going to have to engage in a massive rarity around here and entirely disagree with you on this one. I say it's the classiest move the franchise has made in years, and expect a full rebuttal just as soon as I come up for air from the insanity of the first week back from vacation.
(You're still my fave though, WI, don't worry)
well, i may agree with you in the next days because it's a miracle that they didn't buy into the nhl marketing system and totally "sellout."
it's entirely plausible (likely, even) that my angst is selfish and purely based on the fact that i really wanted a #11....
but i'm not wrong about the 30th anniversary patch. OHHH, the HORROR.
I don't really have anything of quality to add, but this is the internet, so I'm sure no one is really expecting quality. My two cents:
1) I don't hate these retro style jerseys. Generally they look fine, and based on my usual test question (i.e. What would I think if Angelina Jolie was sprawled out on my bed in one?), I could be convinced they're damned sexy.
2) The Calgary skyline for hockey purposes should ALWAYS include the Saddledome.
3) I was out for coffee this morning with an Oiler's fan. I believe that your Joseph Conrad quote could also apply to their chances in the 2009-2010 season.
That's all.
(what's my joseph conrad quote, again ?)
(who's joseph conrad, again ?)
When (or if) I ever return those Nick Hornby books to you I'll drop off a copy of "Heart of Darkness" and my dvd of "Apocolypse Now" so you can get a proper understanding of, "...the horror, the horror."
I think if you replace the Congo or Mekong Rivers with the North Saskatchewan, you could probably do a really solid YouTube video making fun of the Oil. I'll start working on the script and you can PA for me.
Win. Half the idiots calling themselves Flames fans won't even remember when they wore these. What do you want, some modern looking atrocity, like so many other teams seem to use for 3rd jerseys?
What do you want, some modern looking atrocity, like so many other teams seem to use for 3rd jerseys?.
definitely not.
i want a forward-thinking, design-conscious, kickass crimson sweater with freddy sjöström's name and number on the back.
cause seriously, there are some AWESOME thirds out there, they're just few and far between...
personally, I think these jerseys would have been cool last season when 'retro' was still relatively cool. We've now gone beyond the retro years, and into a place where looking into the past (say the few years following 1929!) scares most people. I like the jersey, but it's one year late. Still, I'd love to see the Flames wearing these in game 6 of the stanley cup finals so the (insert easter team name here) can watch Iginloob raise the cup in one. They'd think it was 1989 all over again!
There's no Saddledome --- and there's a sudden interest in building a new arena. Coincidence?
My very first thought was apparently Brent's very first thought also...or maybe the graphic designer's Calgary perspective was from the NORTH hill!
hmm, i might get one...with FLEURY on the back ;)
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