Thank goodness that mickis has time to write. cause i sure don't. bless'im for being the only author at hitthepost to ever share anything these days.... bummer he's totally unaware of it.
ps: someone should tell poor backlund that he's not playing in the world cup.
On Monday, we went out into the Calder Cup Finals with the Heat Abbotsford. Then I thought of course that the season was over and that it was time to take time off and rest ... But that did not happen when I got a call by Bengt Ake Gustafsson, just minutes before I could go on the flight back to Sweden where he said he wanted me to come and represent the Swedish national team and play the World Cup. I got a big shock but was very happy and it was not on the map that I would say no! The only problem was simply that my luggage was checked and would go all the way to Gothenburg. So when I landed yesterday Thursday here in Germany at Frankfurt Airport, so I got and Mats Naslund GM for the national team trying to stop my bags before they were flown home. We managed to stop them but it took almost 1.5 hours to get all the bags when they apparently got a little scattered! But finally I got the bags and we could take the car and drive an hour to arrive at the hotel in Mannheim where the World Cup is played. So I got to the hotel at 15 times and it was just to eat lunch and then sleep until 17 o'clock before it was time to go up again and get ready for my World Cup debut.
It felt really cool and fun to slide on the ice with all the guys in the Tre Kronor jersey. Even if I had slept little and had a long trip so I felt quite refreshed and I still think the match went pretty well and I had so much fun! I had to play 11 minutes and had three shots on goal. It was a bit strange to play on the big ice again and outer wing but thought I could handle it well anyway.
Tomorrow is a new game and then waiting Canada. There will be a tough match with a lot of speed and tough game! Should be fun to play against my teammates Rene Bourque, Mark Giordano and extra fun to play against my former teammate Tyler Myers who I played with last year in Kelowna. I hope we win so I do not invite him to dinner when the free food tastes much better!
Today I just rested all day and tried to take back some power from a busy week with much flying, migratory, poor sleep and colds.
It feels really good to have the same timing as Sweden again and be in Europe and have been so close to home! Must run now hockey final weeks of this season and then go home and take a much needed rest!

"I hope we win so I do not invite him to dinner when the free food tastes much better!"
hes been playing left wing on a line with niklas persson and former predator jonas andersson.
the line has been good since 60 joined the two others, hes had some good chances and works hard defensively
the myers dinner quote seems to be about a deal saying the one who loses the game gets to pay dinner...
Haha awesome. I love reading Backlund on Backlund!
i'm stoked that everybody's favorite recurring piece on my website is written by a guy who doesn't know it exists... ;)
perhaps you should make him a 'partner'
i'd offer, but i have a feeling he'd decline.
Nothing Flames out there right now except this:
Calgary Herald imaginary Sutter brother dialogue
Mild giggles, but mostly its just sad... so sad.
i cannot believe that was in the goddamned herald.
fuck our team blows.
By the way, Mukmuk always gets the shaft:
Marmot may be evicted
lol... sorry, i was totally unaware that mukmuk was a marmot.
Oh yes... Meet Mukmuk. I guess technically he's a Vancouver Island Marmot and not a Yellow-bellied Marmot (are they really so cowardly?), but I think the point stands: The Vancouver and BC governments have something against Mukmuk. 3 imaginary animals get mascot standing, but somehow Mukmuk is passed over.
I guess you can't expect much from a group that spent $1 billion to build a $750 million condo building. Too smug?
1. smug is appreciated cause i'm from calgary.
2. a sasquatch is not an imaginary animal. and it's technically possible to breed an orca and a bear in a petri dish. so there.
I think someone living in a fantasy world that includes Sasquatch and Orca/Kermode crosses called Seabears would probably fit in better over at PPP. :) Heck, those guys want Dion for Captain, they'll believe ANYTHING.
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