- gio, bourque, and backlund all played in the world hockey championships that was eventually won by the czechs. nothing really notable, here, except that ray whitney was the canadian scoring leader, and gio scored more goals bourque. also notable: either mark messier doesn't know how to build a team, or you just can't put a winner together when nobody wants to play... the thing that pains me the most about the WHC is that it is the third pillar for the triple gold club, and who even cares about that tournament ?!? i mean, i don't understand how it gets to be compared to a stanley cup and an olympic gold ??!? i guess it's too late to change the criteria but methinks a world junior gold in its stead would have offered a FAR more impressive trifecta.....
- i'm officially scared about how good the oilers might be next year. paajarvi-svensson looks about ready, and we all know eberle's gonna play. mix in an actual goaltender and that team will be fun to watch AT LEAST. i'm not sayin' they're gonna win the cup or anything, i'm just sayin' that oilers fans can start to smile about things again. plus they don't have to watch staios old himself all over the defensive zone anymore....
- domebeers is my new favorite thing (next to the just-minted term "staios will old himself," which is pure awesomeness).... i was on the fence at first but i've gone all-in; i'm completely sold on the mix of intelligence, quirkiness, opinion, and brutal unabashed sarcasm.... if you haven't already, drop by for a read.
- darryl sutter's stay of execution is preventing me from getting a job. more turnover in the office would provide more openings for an interested, yet unqualified, person such as myself...
- i realize this has nothing to do with hockey, aside from the fact it was built at tim hortons. there is nothing better than daring someone to do something randomly strange, yet unremarkably distasteful, and having the result look a little something like this:

- philly lost a tightly contested match to the hawks but even with the loss, i have to wonder if they won't be the more confident team going into game 2 tonight. both teams could easily tighten up defense, but if leighton can regain previous series form, it'll be WAY tighter... also on the flyers' side ? the legend of cooperalls, rocky, the hossa curse, the ghost of pelle lindbergh, and hextall's goal. against them ? mike richards manhandling the wales, and chris "elbows" pronger..... i must admit they'll most certainly lose the cup if the hockey gods ever awaken to realize how godawful their jersey's nameplates are....
til next week, my friends.
So sad that the Oiler's are going to look better this year in part because they picked our pocket. Or more accurately, filled our pockets with $2.7 million worth of old balls.
Would have been good if you had perhaps included how awesome a Monday is when the Vancouver Canucks aren't in the playoffs.
Another great Monday.
OILERS! Now if we could just trade you O'Sullivan and Moreau . . .
tis true. people have been asking me lately who i'm rooting for in the cup final and my answer is generally "i'm just glad vancouver's not there."
(sorry, goad)
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