i am a big believer in fate & destiny, and i'm a huge believer in the world subtly sending messages.... i also believe that i'm being punished for something i did in a past life, and that's why i always choose the slowest line at the grocery store, why the vendor on the other end of the phoneline always has computer problems while dealing with my queries, and why the flames lost the cup in '04 on a disputed goal.... so i'm starting to think that watching the dirty 'nucks win the cup is going to be unavoidable....
the proof is in something i've noticed with absurd frequency in the past weeks :

and then there's the
initial one that i saw the day before bobbylu helped canada win the gold.

start getting used to the idea, flames fans....
based on my theory, canucks will win it next year.
1976 Montreal Olympics - 1977 Canadiens cup win
1988 Calgary Olympics - 1989 Flames cup win
2010 Vancouver Olympics - 2011 possible Canucks cup win
although there was Canadian gold at the Olympics this time. so the 'curse' may be broken...no cup for nuck
i like your theory but i hope we're all wrong.
It can't happen. I'm 100% confident that God or Karma or fate or justice will works its course, and the Canucks will not do the unspeakable.
this is precisely the reason i think they WILL....
Oh don't even say it. Living here is already unbearable. The afternoon host on the sports radio here predicted a sweep of the Kings yesterday. After winning one game in OT. And then half the city called in echoing his sentiments. There's car flags (and jerseys and signs in windows though not nearly to the extent there was during the Olympics)...
It's like I'm living in my own personal hell.
i'm SO sorry....
Thank goodness LA came through last night. I still think the Kings will take this series, but at least the sweep talk is over now.
Well, as much as I like this thoery but the only time the Canucks or Flames have made the finals is when they have faced each other in the first round.
I like Ross's line of thinking way more. I need positive thinking like that, especially after they aired game 7 between Calgary and Tampa on CBC tonight.
Oh no! Car flags and jersies all over town?! Next, Canuck fans will find a consensus on which of the many jersies to wear and show up to a game wearing the same colour! How horrible would that be Sarah? Those stupid Canuck fans would look ridiculous getting excited about their home team and wanting them to do well in the playoffs. Good point Sarah. It is terrible on the coast. You should go home. Now.
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