has anybody noticed this yet ? it was announced about three weeks ago, but DAYUM is that an ugly logo for the quad city flames... i mean, i presumed it would be a flaming Q (if you will) but i didn't expect the Q AND the C. i also didn't expect it to look so... half-assed and just kinda plunked down together (can't you interlock SOMETHING, logo guys ??? or make something kindof semi-transparent ????)... oh, and i CERTAINLY didn't expect them to be in the cup-era 80's red and gold. i figured the new-look sexy black flames would stay on (which, of course, makes me slightly afraid of what the new big club jerseys will look like)...

kinda makes you wish you got an omaha jersey, dunnit ?....
(note: on the flames forums, somebody wrote
"The Q looks like a flaming O with a kickstand" which makes me giggle)
That is horrific, but I'm guessing (hoping?)from the hastily, shoddily designed website that that logo ain't permanent, but the work of some overzealous HTML coder.
I'm still all for a properly designed, non-kickstand impersonating Flaming Q, though.
unfortunately, this is the logo that was "announced" at a "press conference" (at "sully's pub" no less).
who the hell is running this quad cities team anyways ??!??
Well shit.
And, who's running the team? Well, check these winners out.
sweet jesus...
'nuff said.
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