the flames will honour former team captain and '89 cup winner, brad mccrimmon tonight before the game vs. the wings at the saddledome. i think it's a kind and decent gesture by the club, but it got my blood boiling when i realized that, while they are fast to put on a big extravagant show, they still have not corrected the spelling of mcCrimmon's name in the upstairs gallery at flamescentral; an establishment that the organization itself co-owns.
hence, a letter i sent this afternoon to team prez, ken king, as well as VP of communications, peter hanlon, and (to stir shit up) the grandpuckdaddy himself, greg wyshinski.
Dear Mr. King:
I find it inexcusable and embarassing that the Calgary Flames organization is honouring Brad McCrimmon with a ceremony before tonight's game, while the photograph that bears his image has been hanging in the upstairs gallery at FlamesCentral (a bar that is co-owned by the club) for nearly FIVE YEARS with his name mis-spelled.
I brought this error to the attention of the Flames' Media Director, Peter Hanlon, in person at the Flames' Fan Forum in 2010, and my colleague, mentioned it in an email sent to yourself and Victor Choy (Co-Founder & Co-President of the Flames' business partner in FlamesCentral, The Concorde Group) in March of last year.
The attached photo was taken today, January 31, 2012.
I think it's shameful to endorse a public tribute to a man who was a pillar in the local community, a former team captain, and a Stanley Cup winner in Calgary ---who died in one of the game's worst tragedies--- when you can't be bothered to take the time or the effort to re-create a one-inch by six-inch name plate in a shrine that's been on display for nearly half a decade within an establishment that is owned by the team. Surely if you're willing to spend the money on pre-game skate "McCrimmon" jerseys for an entire team, countless hours by countless people preparing jumbotron footage of his career highlights, and no doubt some kind of donation to charity and/or endowment to his family, you can see to it that this oversight FINALLY gets corrected.
I thank you in advance for your efforts in putting this matter to rest,
maybe it'll get fixed once and for all. i used caps and everything...
god bless brad mccrimmon. rest in peace, brother.
Did you notice that you have referred to this same error two additional times:
c'mon, flamescentral!!! get it together!!!
And the truly amazing one, from May 2007 (!?!):
silence on the airwaves
response from king (where he does NOT cc wyshinski):
I agree with you. Not sure why it hasn't been fixed but will. We honour Brad with dignity tonight and the oversight you thankfully mentioned takes nothing away from that. Thank you. KK
i especially like the way he avoids spelling mccrimmon by just calling him brad. ;)
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