consider this your first reminder of the pre-HC blogger meet-up scheduled for saturday, feb 19 at 7:30pm at the cat & fiddle pub. this will probably be an ideal time for warm-up pints after the alumni game, and an early enough start for everyone right the hangover before puckdrop on sunday. ;) in attendance, from my latest understanding, will be three of hitthepost's finest (duncan can't make it, but mikeH and i will be there and kingjafi's flyin' in from florida), hayley from m&g [ottawa], justin azevedo from the4thline, kent and steinberg from flamesnation, sarah from cwgap [vancouver], leanne from openicehits, newsboy from 92.9, d_p_h from comments infamy, and i believe htp pals pbr and sjc will also make an appearance.
a representative from domebeers is unlikely cause the dude lives in the south. but with any luck his brother will give him so much shit for not going that he'll realize that fulltime anonymity is for the weak, and being in a room full of his brethren is a whole lot of fun. ;)
hope to see you guys there !!
no pictures of crying Foppa? :)
In case you're not excited enough, listen to this:
Party All the Time
Once you've recovered from Eddie Murphy's sonic attack, I'm sure you've heard the rumour that the Cat has an extensive Coheed and Cambria collection in the jukebox. :)
I live in Mackenzie Towne. If Domebeers have panties on they can ride up in the back of my truck.
Anyone that makes fun of DB is OK by me.
Just kidding buddy.
Still waiting for that flaming bag of poop. I guess the courier declined to deliver it. . .
Sorry rubbertrout, its been busy and I don't own a dog, so I'd have to go collecting. In the interim, is this close enough to flaming poo for you?
30 - Edmonton Oilers - 16-32-8
Wow. I didn't realize it was quite that bad. I almost feel sorry for you and your fellow fans, until I realize they offloaded Staios (and his massive contract) onto our team. Then I get angry again.
RT -- are you comin' saturday or whuh ?
I really should have just taken the next few days off and come out early. I'm tired of Vancouver and the wind and the rain and trying to figure out how to stuff two pairs of boots into a tiny suitcase...
But yes, I will be there on Saturday night, with my dad and two brothers in tow. Four more sleeps!
I'm not a blogger so I think I'm ineligible. Plus all the poop threats scare me.
First, you know you're invited, spending 10 minutes setting up a blog is not required to gain access. At the very least you can come and brag about how your team picked our pocket on the Staios trade.
Second, the chance of you receiving dog turds from me is about the same as Domebeers actually being able to touch a woman... Pretty much zero, barring a cash transaction in some back alley. (Hopefully this is enough provocation to get DB out as well)
I had assumed the poop threats were hollow. I lost my internet anonymity quite some time ago so that isn't it either. There would be too many mike h's there if I made an appearance and that would be confusing for all.
This weekend just isn't a good one for my escaping due to obligations of the familial kind.
I'm sure you can promt DB to come out of his cave though.
I'll be there in spirit folks! My body will be in Northern Virginia drinking spirits however (and watching the game on NBC).
Oh there was definitely a representative from Domebeers. Apparently the Domebeers crew is down with Harvey the Hound.
That book rocks. It's older than Azevedo. Lol.
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