this might be a good time to point out that there are ever so many "canucks fans" who really only fly the green and blue for a split second every year when the team makes the post-season. this year, unfortunatly, when it looked like the dirty nucks would take the prize, it was probably these same ignorami (i'm looking at you, nathan kotylak, you unbelievable, utter moron) who decided the best way to console themselves would be to give the city a darned good reason to raise taxes... i suppose by tarnishing the reputation earned during the 2010 olympics, they did take the heat off of the fact that their hockey team took the night off on wednesday. thank god for small miracles, or whatever, i guess...
i do still know some folks that i feel awful for. even though a few pints and a first round win brought the goad out in goad, i still can't help but sympathize for a life-long team supporter who was so thoroughly devastated by the series' outcome that he sullenly described to me what it's like for a diehard fanbase to have such an unfortunate pedigree in playoff losses: "i would even say there is no fanbase more knowledgable in losing than our shitty, carburning, halfwit fans." as a true lover of the game, his team, and all that goes with it, it must be devastating not only to deal with the on-ice misfortune, but the realization that you're being represented by a horde of cretins...
while i like to boast that when calgary went down after the '04 run there was nary a fistfight on the redmile (just a LOT of bare chests), i'm not dumb enough to think that there weren't more extenuating factors that led to the difference beyond my belief that most canucks fans are simply awful... first is the fact that the "red mile" was a seven-or-so block stretch of the same road and therefore radically more simple to police than an entire downtown area. secondly, the city of calgary didn't put up a bunch of large screen tvs and encite the townsfolk to gather in droves without the proper amount of law-enforcing presence. and thirdly: the '04 flames were a mötley crew of nobodies and replacement players, led by a charismatic captain, a hotter-than-hot goalie, and the surliest coach in history. they weren't ever supposed to make it that far... the '11 canucks, alternately, were the best team in the league by a significant margin during the regular season, and were far-and-away the favorites to take home lord stanley's prize. the difference lies in expectation; while the flames fought to the bitter end, the fans were happy to have had the run. the canucks, on the other hand, fostered enormous feelings first of entitlement, and finally disappointment. a far more incindiary mentality, in my opinion...
anyhow, what's done is done. the draft is next up and i'm off to the big smoke then the big apple. it doesn't look like i'll be around for prospect camp this year, which is a drag, but i look forward to a blogger meet-up in ---let's say--- mid-august ? we can catch up then and discuss hockey at the time of year it's least in our minds....
Don't know if you've seen this before, but its new to me:
Canucks are golfing
BTW... Blogger is fucking up somehow and making it tough to post comments on here. Weird.
i HAVE seen that. but a funnier "canucks are golfing" link is, of course, this classic:
I was thinking a blogger meet-up for Canada day/free agency would be a nice way to spend the afternoon.
Also, I love boobs-but the facial expressions of the people are what make those pictures so god damn great.
jazzyV: it does sound like a grand event. i hope you all have fun. i'll hit the NHL store in your honour you on my way to bryant park from the boutique hotel i'm staying at in midtown. presumeably i'll be eyeballing some new flames gear when i hear EJ hradick explain that feaster's signed anders eriksson to a lifetime contract or something equally as infuriating.
i love new york in the summer.
Yesterday really sucked in Vancouver. People seem to have recovered a bit more now, but it was sort of a sea of shock on Thursday, and it even made me feel bad for mocking the Canucks. Luckily, I'm over it now ;)
So jealous you're off to New York. It'll probably be horribly hot and humid, but I loooove summer in NYC!
There was nary a fistfight in 2004 but the reason the cops were out in full force in 2006 was because of the record number of sexual assaults that took place in the vicinity of the Red Mile.
None of that information grabbed the headlines like a riot would because in many cases the incidents were reported quietly and after the fact.
Calgary can pride itself that the vast majority of the fans in Cowtown didn't flip over cars and set things on fire but by the same token things were apparently bad enough that a more martial presence was necessary the next time around.
haha tell me about it! I really hate that "pink" jersey, and I think that I loathe it more every year that passes LOL
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