Monday, December 15, 2008

félicitations, tout le monde !!!

i might write a longer post later on today but i just wanted to say HUGE congratulations to flames' prospect and brandon wheat kings' captain keith aulie for making the final cut to canada's 2009 world junior team (his most notable december accomplishment since saving his father's life in 2005). although the national team is carrying eight defensmen (and who knows where aulie is rated 1-8), i'm hoping we get to see him play at least a game or two during the year-end tournament.

also, happy birthday to kent.

and if you haven't already, feel free to continue voting in the post below.

1 comment:

Kent W. said...

30 years old today...

hair music sounds so loud - so awful...patience for cold weather waning...rocking chairs seeming so much more comfortable...