just a shorty today cause i totally outdid myself yesterday...
the losers get questionned on the NY times slapshot blog and i guess that means me. meh. we came out hard against the sharks and took it to seven. if we'd won the last one, we'd probably have been embarassed, just like last year, by the pesky wings....
maggie the monkey, for those of you who like to follow along, was correct in 'selecting' the pens, habs, sharks, wings, & flyers in the first round, for a totally respectable 62.5%. exceptionally so, when you consider that MG & duncan both ended up at 75% (one pick better), and that ST chose as accurately as the hockey-loving simian: maggie did pretty well...
if it makes you all feel any better, her second round picks are the rangers, habs, sharks & wings, which happen to be exactly the teams i selected...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
CSI: eriksson
i can't give up the anger and dismay on the eriksson issue, so i thought i'd open up the game summaries, event summaries, & shift charts of the last two games, to examine (in microscopic detail) what exactly went wrong to make this trainwreck of a defenseman commit an NHL murder-suicide last night.
i'm still angry that keenan started the game with #8 paired with dion, knowing what an absolute liability he is, but i am forced to concede that bubba had a pretty decent game 6. in the flames' 2-0 win on sunday, he played 21:46 ---largely with phaneuf---, including minimal time on each the PK and PP. he ended up a +2, with an assist on the insurance marker, and clearly contributed in kipper pitching a shutout. without knowing his playoff history, it would have been impossible for anyone to predict such an utterly complete meltdown in game 7.
part of me wants to be medically thorough in this dissection, but that would require watching last night's match again in its entirety... and i'm a coroner, here, not a masochist. my first query would be "why, on his FIRST SHIFT, did phaneuf, nolan, conroy AND tanguay get a change, while eriksson played on an additional 40-or-so seconds ??" if the answer is (and i presume it to be) due to the dozens of calgary icings in the early-going (bubba being on the far point), then i blame keenan for not noticing his (presumed) fatigue. eriksson's first shift clocks in at approximately two minutes. reason enough to be one step behind your opponent five shifts later, thereby taking a hooking penalty ? i'd say yes..... SJ leads by one and the flames get jittery.
phaneuf comes out with regehr on the first shift post-goal and it's clear keenan's not impressed with bubba's play/infraction as he benches him for three full minutes; nearly two of those after calgary ties it up at ones. two shifts after that (both times paired with dion) owen nolan and ryane clowe get offsetting minors and eriksson doesn't see the ice again until after calgary scores, 3 1/2 minutes into the second period. that's almost five full minutes of riding pine, with three of those minutes at 5 on 5. phaneuf, during this period, spends time with regehr, aucoin, and vandermeer (who, by returning to the defensive corps, makes it impossible for keenan to continue rolling 4 complete lines like he did in game 6).
on eriksson's next shift, now 5-or-so minutes into the 2nd period, SJ ties it up. keenan obviously realizes that eriksson is a detriment to the success of the team and, presumeably, only puts him back out on the ice reluctantly (but with few other choices) with regehr in the box, seven minutes later. on this shift, even though he's clearly rested, eriksson is no longer paired with phaneuf. can he be hidden better on the PK if he's playing with sarich ?? the answer is, apparently, yes.... at first... but as reggie's infraction expires, and before the penaltykillers (read: eriksson) can get a change: SJ goal #4.
hello, nail ? meet coffin....
buh bye momentum
buh bye kipper.
buy bye eriksson for the rest of the night (save for a couple of useless short shifts towards the end of the third).
to sum up anders eriksson's game 7:
2 penalty minutes (= SJ goal)
13 shifts
1 hit
2 blocked shots (i chalk this up to luck more than anything)
and all this in a STUNNING 9:26 TOI. think about it. that's INCREDIBLY brutal....
if sutter can't deal him this summer, he'd better buy him out. this goes for rhetto as well (sorry buddy, but the dream is over). if eriksson turns back up in a flaming C come training camp, i'll be out for sutter's head. remember, this useless blueliner is largely the reason that sutter couldn't commit to giordano....
worse than zyuzin.
fo' reals.
i'm still angry that keenan started the game with #8 paired with dion, knowing what an absolute liability he is, but i am forced to concede that bubba had a pretty decent game 6. in the flames' 2-0 win on sunday, he played 21:46 ---largely with phaneuf---, including minimal time on each the PK and PP. he ended up a +2, with an assist on the insurance marker, and clearly contributed in kipper pitching a shutout. without knowing his playoff history, it would have been impossible for anyone to predict such an utterly complete meltdown in game 7.
part of me wants to be medically thorough in this dissection, but that would require watching last night's match again in its entirety... and i'm a coroner, here, not a masochist. my first query would be "why, on his FIRST SHIFT, did phaneuf, nolan, conroy AND tanguay get a change, while eriksson played on an additional 40-or-so seconds ??" if the answer is (and i presume it to be) due to the dozens of calgary icings in the early-going (bubba being on the far point), then i blame keenan for not noticing his (presumed) fatigue. eriksson's first shift clocks in at approximately two minutes. reason enough to be one step behind your opponent five shifts later, thereby taking a hooking penalty ? i'd say yes..... SJ leads by one and the flames get jittery.
phaneuf comes out with regehr on the first shift post-goal and it's clear keenan's not impressed with bubba's play/infraction as he benches him for three full minutes; nearly two of those after calgary ties it up at ones. two shifts after that (both times paired with dion) owen nolan and ryane clowe get offsetting minors and eriksson doesn't see the ice again until after calgary scores, 3 1/2 minutes into the second period. that's almost five full minutes of riding pine, with three of those minutes at 5 on 5. phaneuf, during this period, spends time with regehr, aucoin, and vandermeer (who, by returning to the defensive corps, makes it impossible for keenan to continue rolling 4 complete lines like he did in game 6).
on eriksson's next shift, now 5-or-so minutes into the 2nd period, SJ ties it up. keenan obviously realizes that eriksson is a detriment to the success of the team and, presumeably, only puts him back out on the ice reluctantly (but with few other choices) with regehr in the box, seven minutes later. on this shift, even though he's clearly rested, eriksson is no longer paired with phaneuf. can he be hidden better on the PK if he's playing with sarich ?? the answer is, apparently, yes.... at first... but as reggie's infraction expires, and before the penaltykillers (read: eriksson) can get a change: SJ goal #4.
hello, nail ? meet coffin....
buh bye momentum
buh bye kipper.
buy bye eriksson for the rest of the night (save for a couple of useless short shifts towards the end of the third).
to sum up anders eriksson's game 7:
2 penalty minutes (= SJ goal)
13 shifts
1 hit
2 blocked shots (i chalk this up to luck more than anything)
and all this in a STUNNING 9:26 TOI. think about it. that's INCREDIBLY brutal....
if sutter can't deal him this summer, he'd better buy him out. this goes for rhetto as well (sorry buddy, but the dream is over). if eriksson turns back up in a flaming C come training camp, i'll be out for sutter's head. remember, this useless blueliner is largely the reason that sutter couldn't commit to giordano....
worse than zyuzin.
fo' reals.
flames 07/08: (hit the) post mortem
1. how effin' bad is anders eriksson ??!
the guy makes me want to slit my wrists.... there is no other way to put it. i blame the season ending singlehandedly on #8 because of the following:
- taking a ridiculous penalty leading to SJ's 1st goal
- tickling his man behind the net (as opposed to bodychecking), then losing him in the corner leading to SJ's 2nd goal
- "ridicupinching" (a duncanism), or whatever you call it, leading to SJ's 4th goal.
kipper getting pulled was a direct result of the 4th SJ goal, which was a direct result of eriksson's inabilities.
game over.
2. blame playfair (again) ??!
i don't really know how much pull playfair has on the bench during a game or if he is just a defensive specialist in practise and a defensive advisor on the day, but somebody needs to take the fall for putting david hale on the PK for the first SJ goal. don't get me wrong, i'm about the biggest hale fan out there [HAAALESTORRRRMMM] when he's given soft minutes and light competition. i think he's got fairly good positionning, decent sense, and an excellent ethic (plus he can hit), but the "put-the-stick-kindof-on-the-ice" move to block a cross-crease pass (the one he CLEARLY learned from rhettro) was debateably approved/taught somewhere along the line by playfair.
maybe i just hate playfair.
3. who's done ??!
you choose:
i would LIKE to think nolan will come back for reasonable dough, and langkow too. i love yeller but i think he's seen his last game in a flaming C (sutter made that apparent, to me, when he signed primeau). i think prust will take over from godard, with a much bigger upside, and mark smith probably cleaned out his locker before game 7, so as to just stick it out back home in NoCal. hale and vandermeer are HUGE qustion marks to me, since we've still got rhettro & (*sigh) eriksson on contract for another season [and i honestly believe negrin will start next year]. and i'm still hoping that a grovelling sutter will re-sign gio....
come to think of it, this is a whole other post.
4. kipps
the discussion on kiprusoff really has far more to do with our blueline.
i have no doubt whatsoever that robyn regehr is one of the best stay-at-home guys in the league, and that dion is fast becoming a player with a vast repertoire of defensive skills. beyond that, we've got a helluva lot of problems on the back end and that's often reflected by the score and certainly reflected by the shots on net (against). the layman might blame our goalie, but i honestly believe that 03/04 kipper would have let in a lot more pucks if he'd been getting shellacked like he was this year. sarich was hot and cold, aucoin's proficiency decreased as his minutes increased, warrener looked like he was skating through mud and hale exceeded expectations for a #7. i never really decided how i felt about vandermeer and you can refer to talking point #1 (above) for my feelings on eriksson. i don't want to talk about him anymore.
still, kipper often looked 'softer' this year, and i'm not sure if it's a function of age, fitness, coaching, nerves or what. i wonder how much keenan has to do with it, but i hope like hell that he shows up to training camp ready to go for kippsy's 8 million dollar season....
5. keenan
it took me over half the season to develop an opinion on ol' iron mike, but the concensus was "yes." i think a lot of it had to do with him seeimg far more confident than nervous jimmy, but he just really seemed to know what he was doing. when he referred to the team as a "frustrating group" i really felt that he was trying different things ---which seemed to work for a game or two, and then the "group" would falter. he made some really good decisions behind the players, and then he made some awful ones. pulling kipps in game 3 turned out to be brilliant, but he will be vilified for the same move in game 7. dressing godard through to game 5 still confuses me, but dressing 7 defensmen in game 6 was genius. i hate that he, like sutter, is a veteran-lover, which comes at the expense of the young players but i love the experience that the rookies are getting under his tutelage.
i'm spent.
the guy makes me want to slit my wrists.... there is no other way to put it. i blame the season ending singlehandedly on #8 because of the following:
- taking a ridiculous penalty leading to SJ's 1st goal
- tickling his man behind the net (as opposed to bodychecking), then losing him in the corner leading to SJ's 2nd goal
- "ridicupinching" (a duncanism), or whatever you call it, leading to SJ's 4th goal.
kipper getting pulled was a direct result of the 4th SJ goal, which was a direct result of eriksson's inabilities.
game over.
2. blame playfair (again) ??!
i don't really know how much pull playfair has on the bench during a game or if he is just a defensive specialist in practise and a defensive advisor on the day, but somebody needs to take the fall for putting david hale on the PK for the first SJ goal. don't get me wrong, i'm about the biggest hale fan out there [HAAALESTORRRRMMM] when he's given soft minutes and light competition. i think he's got fairly good positionning, decent sense, and an excellent ethic (plus he can hit), but the "put-the-stick-kindof-on-the-ice" move to block a cross-crease pass (the one he CLEARLY learned from rhettro) was debateably approved/taught somewhere along the line by playfair.
maybe i just hate playfair.
3. who's done ??!
you choose:
i would LIKE to think nolan will come back for reasonable dough, and langkow too. i love yeller but i think he's seen his last game in a flaming C (sutter made that apparent, to me, when he signed primeau). i think prust will take over from godard, with a much bigger upside, and mark smith probably cleaned out his locker before game 7, so as to just stick it out back home in NoCal. hale and vandermeer are HUGE qustion marks to me, since we've still got rhettro & (*sigh) eriksson on contract for another season [and i honestly believe negrin will start next year]. and i'm still hoping that a grovelling sutter will re-sign gio....
come to think of it, this is a whole other post.
4. kipps
the discussion on kiprusoff really has far more to do with our blueline.
i have no doubt whatsoever that robyn regehr is one of the best stay-at-home guys in the league, and that dion is fast becoming a player with a vast repertoire of defensive skills. beyond that, we've got a helluva lot of problems on the back end and that's often reflected by the score and certainly reflected by the shots on net (against). the layman might blame our goalie, but i honestly believe that 03/04 kipper would have let in a lot more pucks if he'd been getting shellacked like he was this year. sarich was hot and cold, aucoin's proficiency decreased as his minutes increased, warrener looked like he was skating through mud and hale exceeded expectations for a #7. i never really decided how i felt about vandermeer and you can refer to talking point #1 (above) for my feelings on eriksson. i don't want to talk about him anymore.
still, kipper often looked 'softer' this year, and i'm not sure if it's a function of age, fitness, coaching, nerves or what. i wonder how much keenan has to do with it, but i hope like hell that he shows up to training camp ready to go for kippsy's 8 million dollar season....
5. keenan
it took me over half the season to develop an opinion on ol' iron mike, but the concensus was "yes." i think a lot of it had to do with him seeimg far more confident than nervous jimmy, but he just really seemed to know what he was doing. when he referred to the team as a "frustrating group" i really felt that he was trying different things ---which seemed to work for a game or two, and then the "group" would falter. he made some really good decisions behind the players, and then he made some awful ones. pulling kipps in game 3 turned out to be brilliant, but he will be vilified for the same move in game 7. dressing godard through to game 5 still confuses me, but dressing 7 defensmen in game 6 was genius. i hate that he, like sutter, is a veteran-lover, which comes at the expense of the young players but i love the experience that the rookies are getting under his tutelage.
i'm spent.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
dion phaneuf gets his first norris trophy nomination in just his third NHL season.... i think we're all in agreement that ol' liddy will probably take home the hardware but it's damn nice to see dion get acknowledged....
maybe that's what the gold dream was all about...
additionally, i look forward to the announcers saying "the crowd at the sharktank once again booing the flames' first-time norris trophy nominee." yep. THAT's something i'd guarantee....
maybe that's what the gold dream was all about...
additionally, i look forward to the announcers saying "the crowd at the sharktank once again booing the flames' first-time norris trophy nominee." yep. THAT's something i'd guarantee....
game 7 pregame: dream a little dream
as mentioned in the last days, i've been having some seriously weird hockey-related dreams, and i'm taking it as a good sign. last night i dreamed of a hockey game i was in attendance for & i believe it was the allan cup. it was a smaller, community-sized rink (not a massive NHL arena), but dion was there and helped win it. at the 'afterparty', dion was sporting a pretty flashy gold top that looked an awful lot like the one my friend chyanne was wearing. many photos ensued*****... i wasn't too interested, though, because a) my nike kicks played "imagine" by john lennon, and b) there was a MASSIVE windstorm moving in.
*****i'm praying this is a sign of a win tonight, and not a sign of a win at the worlds in halifax/quebec next month.... though the whole 'wearing gold' thing scares me a little on second read....
in other news:
i'm not sure if this link will work for just anyone, and certainly it won't if you're not logged into facebook, but i HIGHLY recommend watching this full-length (4 minute) version of a "bring home the cup" entry. it showed up in my newsfeed this morning and made me grin like a fool before even really waking up. let me know how it works out....
as for the game, i would imagine the sharks to come out hard but nervous, and (with any luck), keenan and the vast well of veteran experience can calm the flaming troops through to a win. for the first time this year i really think it's possible that we'll win, which presumeably means i should anticipate a total sharks blowout and nabby pitching another shutout.... either way, i'm pretty happy with the way the team has been ramping up the effort with each game, and appear to have the tools to make a run....
huge congrats to the habs for slaying the bears with a dominant performance in their G7, and best wishes to the caps in hopes they can come out victorious in theirs earlier this evening.
see you guys tomorrow, one way or another....
*****i'm praying this is a sign of a win tonight, and not a sign of a win at the worlds in halifax/quebec next month.... though the whole 'wearing gold' thing scares me a little on second read....
in other news:
i'm not sure if this link will work for just anyone, and certainly it won't if you're not logged into facebook, but i HIGHLY recommend watching this full-length (4 minute) version of a "bring home the cup" entry. it showed up in my newsfeed this morning and made me grin like a fool before even really waking up. let me know how it works out....
as for the game, i would imagine the sharks to come out hard but nervous, and (with any luck), keenan and the vast well of veteran experience can calm the flaming troops through to a win. for the first time this year i really think it's possible that we'll win, which presumeably means i should anticipate a total sharks blowout and nabby pitching another shutout.... either way, i'm pretty happy with the way the team has been ramping up the effort with each game, and appear to have the tools to make a run....
huge congrats to the habs for slaying the bears with a dominant performance in their G7, and best wishes to the caps in hopes they can come out victorious in theirs earlier this evening.
see you guys tomorrow, one way or another....
Monday, April 21, 2008
game 6 postgame: hangover
before the puck dropped last night, i was totally and completely at peace with the flames' season coming to an end.
then they went and played sixty minutes of hard, physical, emotional hockey and forced a seventh game (it didn't hurt that the sharks forgot to show up, either).... so now we'll have to go through the turmoil all over again on tuesday. let's be honest, though... that was one hell of a game.
keenan removing godard from the lineup, and playing an additional defensemen in his stead, was the key to the win, in my opinion. it was a pleasure to see the fourth line on the ice and not be forced to hold my breath for the entirety. infact, primeau/nystrom/moss had some very respectable shifts, at one point pinning the puck in the offensive zone for a good chunk of time --if not producing any serious scoring chances. this, of course, gave the top liners some extra (and much-needed) rest time on the bench. keenan was able to roll all four lines for extended periods (8-10 minutes of ice for the aforementioned three) and the 'core group' played a few minutes less each (presumeably also a product of maintaining a lead).
the dome was on fire last night, and my pops and i had a BLAST. one guy went shirtless and had a big ol’ flaming C painted on his chest. on his back: #21.... “why the hell would you choose HALE ??” i inquired. “HAAAALLLESTORM !!!!!” was the response....
and on to game SEVEN !!!!
then they went and played sixty minutes of hard, physical, emotional hockey and forced a seventh game (it didn't hurt that the sharks forgot to show up, either).... so now we'll have to go through the turmoil all over again on tuesday. let's be honest, though... that was one hell of a game.
keenan removing godard from the lineup, and playing an additional defensemen in his stead, was the key to the win, in my opinion. it was a pleasure to see the fourth line on the ice and not be forced to hold my breath for the entirety. infact, primeau/nystrom/moss had some very respectable shifts, at one point pinning the puck in the offensive zone for a good chunk of time --if not producing any serious scoring chances. this, of course, gave the top liners some extra (and much-needed) rest time on the bench. keenan was able to roll all four lines for extended periods (8-10 minutes of ice for the aforementioned three) and the 'core group' played a few minutes less each (presumeably also a product of maintaining a lead).
the dome was on fire last night, and my pops and i had a BLAST. one guy went shirtless and had a big ol’ flaming C painted on his chest. on his back: #21.... “why the hell would you choose HALE ??” i inquired. “HAAAALLLESTORM !!!!!” was the response....
and on to game SEVEN !!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
law of averages
"The law of averages is a lay term used to express a belief that outcomes of a random event will "even out" over a large sample.
As invoked in everyday life, the "law" usually reflects bad statistics or wishful thinking rather than any mathematical principle. While there is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a large sample, the law of averages typically assumes that unnatural short-term "balance" will occur.
ie: i'm going to the game tonight and we're hella due for a win.....
As invoked in everyday life, the "law" usually reflects bad statistics or wishful thinking rather than any mathematical principle. While there is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a large sample, the law of averages typically assumes that unnatural short-term "balance" will occur.
- wikipedia
ie: i'm going to the game tonight and we're hella due for a win.....
Saturday, April 19, 2008
in dreams...
i absolutely love having dreams. they are so absurdly amusing (even the bad ones) that it's often impossible NOT to share the silliness that my mind produced whilst in REM. here's last night's pertinent gems:
1. regehr practicing big hits by essentially skating full-tilt into concrete walls... sortof akin to those crash test dummy movies except with a lumberjack-sized hockey player in lieu of a crumpling four-door.
2. my dream interpreted the meaning of henhenhen when i discovered that lombardi's stick blade was exactly the same length as the circumference of his helmet.... yep. you guessed it: Head Equals Net (or Helmet Equals Net).... i guess in my dream i was much better at mathematics. while i awoke giggling about this new development, it occurred to me that the backstory of the stick-scrawling involved a french-canadian player, so it seems MUCH MORE likely that henhenhen is the spelling of a stereotypical québequois laugh....
ie: i'm still clueless.
but amused...
1. regehr practicing big hits by essentially skating full-tilt into concrete walls... sortof akin to those crash test dummy movies except with a lumberjack-sized hockey player in lieu of a crumpling four-door.
2. my dream interpreted the meaning of henhenhen when i discovered that lombardi's stick blade was exactly the same length as the circumference of his helmet.... yep. you guessed it: Head Equals Net (or Helmet Equals Net).... i guess in my dream i was much better at mathematics. while i awoke giggling about this new development, it occurred to me that the backstory of the stick-scrawling involved a french-canadian player, so it seems MUCH MORE likely that henhenhen is the spelling of a stereotypical québequois laugh....
ie: i'm still clueless.
but amused...
Friday, April 18, 2008
game 5 postgame: premature review
i'm not gonna discuss the loss last night. why ? because it's been discussed a thousand times by a hundred different people and still nothing has changed with this team. iggy can fight the coaches and reggie can call out his teammates till the cows come home but guess what ?? this team is simply not a cup winner and everybody (including them, methinks) knows it.
what i DO want to talk about is the curse of the european captain (in bold/italics).
nashville (arnott) v. detroit (lidstrom)
calgary (iginla) v. SJ (marleau)
colorado (sakic) v. minnesota (gaborik)
dallas (morrow) v. anaheim (pronger)
montreal (koivu/kovalev) v. boston (chara)
pittsburgh (crosby) v. ottawa (alfredsson)
washington (clark) v. philly (smith)
NYR (jagr) v. NJD (langenbrunner)
of course, we all know that no team captained by a european (non-north american) has ever won the cup. here, it's starting to look like half of the possible ejections, this round, of euro-captained teams will happen (wild, sens). i definitely should have considered this when choosing my hockey pool teams....
in review, maggie the monkey did choose the penguins, the only team to win a series thusfar. the rest are still up for debate, but she spun wins for (current record in brackets):
Detroit (2-2)
SJ (3-2)
Minny (2-3)
Anaheim (1-3)
Montreal (3-2)
Philly (3-1)
NJD (1-3)
this is a random "i don't want to think about the consequences of last night but i'm starting to think about what to do for the summer" kindof post.
what i DO want to talk about is the curse of the european captain (in bold/italics).
nashville (arnott) v. detroit (lidstrom)
calgary (iginla) v. SJ (marleau)
colorado (sakic) v. minnesota (gaborik)
dallas (morrow) v. anaheim (pronger)
montreal (koivu/kovalev) v. boston (chara)
pittsburgh (crosby) v. ottawa (alfredsson)
washington (clark) v. philly (smith)
NYR (jagr) v. NJD (langenbrunner)
of course, we all know that no team captained by a european (non-north american) has ever won the cup. here, it's starting to look like half of the possible ejections, this round, of euro-captained teams will happen (wild, sens). i definitely should have considered this when choosing my hockey pool teams....
in review, maggie the monkey did choose the penguins, the only team to win a series thusfar. the rest are still up for debate, but she spun wins for (current record in brackets):
Detroit (2-2)
SJ (3-2)
Minny (2-3)
Anaheim (1-3)
Montreal (3-2)
Philly (3-1)
NJD (1-3)
this is a random "i don't want to think about the consequences of last night but i'm starting to think about what to do for the summer" kindof post.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
game 5 pregame: in his own words
a bulletin on myspace i received yesterday:

hopefully he's the only one in a flaming C looking past tonight and onto sunday's game back home in the 'dome....
[yeah, that's right, i've got harvey the hound as my myspace friend... so what ???]

hopefully he's the only one in a flaming C looking past tonight and onto sunday's game back home in the 'dome....
[yeah, that's right, i've got harvey the hound as my myspace friend... so what ???]
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
a love letter to flames fans everywhere
dear flames faithful:
sincerest apologies.
last night was totally my fault.
it was extremely selfish of me to attend game 4 with the knowledge that the boys just can't win a playoff match with me in the building. the lure of heroin beers and pocketdawgs, coupled with an assuredly frenetic C of red ("sea of red" to the uneducated), was far too much for me to resist.
i just swim in the adoration of all those crimson flaming C jerseys and the [read slowly, MG] firespitters..... the thought of it..... *sigh*
i couldn't pass it up !!!
when there were but four minutes remaining, i honestly believed that my presence might have gone unnoticed by the hockey gods, and that the flames might actually pull off a victory. with nineteen-some-odd-thousand others dressed exactly like me, it's clear now that it just took the deities -----up in some ghostly pressbox----- seven seconds shy of a full game to zero-in on the fact that i was there.
puck, meet net.... and thank thornton for the introduction, dammit.
seriously ? i'm sorry, guys.
PS: i'd like to promise i won't attend game 6 but HELL is it fun in there.... ;)
sincerest apologies.
last night was totally my fault.
it was extremely selfish of me to attend game 4 with the knowledge that the boys just can't win a playoff match with me in the building. the lure of heroin beers and pocketdawgs, coupled with an assuredly frenetic C of red ("sea of red" to the uneducated), was far too much for me to resist.
i just swim in the adoration of all those crimson flaming C jerseys and the [read slowly, MG] firespitters..... the thought of it..... *sigh*
i couldn't pass it up !!!
when there were but four minutes remaining, i honestly believed that my presence might have gone unnoticed by the hockey gods, and that the flames might actually pull off a victory. with nineteen-some-odd-thousand others dressed exactly like me, it's clear now that it just took the deities -----up in some ghostly pressbox----- seven seconds shy of a full game to zero-in on the fact that i was there.
puck, meet net.... and thank thornton for the introduction, dammit.
seriously ? i'm sorry, guys.
PS: i'd like to promise i won't attend game 6 but HELL is it fun in there.... ;)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
game 4 pregame: this one's BIG
i find it beyond amusing that we, as fans, try to use superlatives to explain the enormity of each progressing game. game one was a big game. game two was a huge game. game three was massive... which i guess makes tonight's game enormous (to be followed by colossal and, if necessary, gargantuan, and astronomical).
[hey, if DFMB can flex his math skills, i can prove i know how to use a thesaurus....]
as i've been saying since the flambés assured themselves of a spot in this year's post-season, game 4 will be a longshot at best. not because kipper will start and be nervous, and not because the sharks will want to avenge the sarich pasting of their captain on the mid-boards, but because i'll be sitting in section 201 eating a pocketdawg and drinking a plastic pint. so it's good they won game three... that was MASSIVE.
looks like keenan will go status quo tonight, and i would be surprised to see anyone but #34 in nets (especially shocked if the goal were to be tended by any jersey number not in the 30s ----or aucoin---- but i digress).... kippsy has a pretty good record of coming back from a huge pull in the playoffs. i laughed heartily when the pundits talked about the previous occurrance of a miikka yank, mostly because they failed to mention that he only spent 18 seconds on the bench before having to re-relieve an enormously penalized noodles. but, hey.... who said mclennan wanted to end his NHL career with a whisper... ?
this post is a bit all-over-the-place.
i'm overwhelmed with the enormity of the game tonight....
[hey, if DFMB can flex his math skills, i can prove i know how to use a thesaurus....]
as i've been saying since the flambés assured themselves of a spot in this year's post-season, game 4 will be a longshot at best. not because kipper will start and be nervous, and not because the sharks will want to avenge the sarich pasting of their captain on the mid-boards, but because i'll be sitting in section 201 eating a pocketdawg and drinking a plastic pint. so it's good they won game three... that was MASSIVE.
looks like keenan will go status quo tonight, and i would be surprised to see anyone but #34 in nets (especially shocked if the goal were to be tended by any jersey number not in the 30s ----or aucoin---- but i digress).... kippsy has a pretty good record of coming back from a huge pull in the playoffs. i laughed heartily when the pundits talked about the previous occurrance of a miikka yank, mostly because they failed to mention that he only spent 18 seconds on the bench before having to re-relieve an enormously penalized noodles. but, hey.... who said mclennan wanted to end his NHL career with a whisper... ?
this post is a bit all-over-the-place.
i'm overwhelmed with the enormity of the game tonight....
Monday, April 14, 2008
a sad day for WI
it's a question that has haunted me for years, ever since the very first time i ever caught a glimpse of forsberg's ice-blue eyes: "how the hell is this guy single ??!??!". he's an international superstar, he's extremely well-decorated and one of very few members of the elite triple gold club, he's like royalty back home in sweden, he's got some slick on-ice moves, he's a good-lookin' dude and (let's face it)........ the guy is effin' loaded.
"so why has he, in his decades of pro-hockey, avoided shacking up with some random trophy wife, when most NHLers get hitched in their early twenties?" i've often asked myself, and for ages, now, i've avoided facing the horrible, awful truth....
well, it's a sad sad state of affairs, but tonight, i think i've discovered undenyable proof that my boy foppa is gay:

(just kiddin', man.... pete --if you're reading this: i don't believe it for a SECOND.... call me !!!)
;) xxx
"so why has he, in his decades of pro-hockey, avoided shacking up with some random trophy wife, when most NHLers get hitched in their early twenties?" i've often asked myself, and for ages, now, i've avoided facing the horrible, awful truth....
well, it's a sad sad state of affairs, but tonight, i think i've discovered undenyable proof that my boy foppa is gay:

(just kiddin', man.... pete --if you're reading this: i don't believe it for a SECOND.... call me !!!)
;) xxx
game 3 postgame: whoah
i don't even know how to digest what happened last night.
i spent the afternoon on the patio at the ship (always a good time on the first warm sunny weekend of the year) and was intending to leave to watch the game elsewhere when they pulled down the big screen and turned the sound on to the montreal game. having never watched a game at the ship, i thought i'd give it a go... let's just say i felt the urgent need for a venue change shortly thereafter (when one of the doormen stepped outside to check the lineup, and returned two minutes and three goals later).... so i went over to my brother's place to watch the remainder.
and i'll be honest, i didn't think they could do it.
it was nice to see some of the guys we've been hackin' on all year finally step up big. cory sarich followed up a solid phaneuf-on-marleau hit by LEVELLING their poor captain on a clean play. owen nolan, who had been referred to by myself and others as 'stonehands' early in the season, scored the GWG and forced me to (once again) recant such nicknames. conroy managed to stay out of the sinbin. tanguay took a shot on goal during a two-on-one. the flames overcame a three-goal defecit to win in regulation.... this is the stuff that dreams are made of....
the bad news is, of course, that the sharks will probably not just lie down and die. the sheer number of times marleau will have seen the replay of himself getting wallpapered by a defenseman wearing red by gametime on tuesday should, by all accounts, fire up the boys from NoCal. the other bad news is, of course, i will be in attendance for game 4. the worst news is that i will be forced to wear one of my jerseys.... if any of you are the betting type, i would place all your money on the sharks to blow the flames out of the infested water.....
i'm hanging on to the fact that, in my limited mathematics skills, the flames were 6-3-3 while i was in the dome this year ---the last game being a loss (so we're due for a win). AND i'll be spending part of the afternoon with a director flying in from LA for the calgary underground film festival, which has never been done pre-game by me before.... oh, and also ? i'm pretty sure the wins/losses have absolutely nothing to do with me....
other notes:
- did anyone notice that, with the new brohawk, sarich has ears just like regehr ???
- nice to see some emotion outta kipper, even if it did mean nearly taking off some poor equipment guy's head.
- love him or hate him, sean avery is a punchably innovative hockey player. personally ? i love the guy... though i'm glad he plays in the EC. if he was a canuck or an oiler, DAMN i would detest that dude....
- i think i was drunk when i picked my hockey pools.... more on that some other time (as in: if/when the flames get knocked out)
- the hardhat has resurfaced in boston, with marc savard wearing one in post-game interviews after his overtime goal. coupled with ference's newly shorn brohawk, i figure andy and chuck still have love for their time in cowtown....
i spent the afternoon on the patio at the ship (always a good time on the first warm sunny weekend of the year) and was intending to leave to watch the game elsewhere when they pulled down the big screen and turned the sound on to the montreal game. having never watched a game at the ship, i thought i'd give it a go... let's just say i felt the urgent need for a venue change shortly thereafter (when one of the doormen stepped outside to check the lineup, and returned two minutes and three goals later).... so i went over to my brother's place to watch the remainder.
and i'll be honest, i didn't think they could do it.
it was nice to see some of the guys we've been hackin' on all year finally step up big. cory sarich followed up a solid phaneuf-on-marleau hit by LEVELLING their poor captain on a clean play. owen nolan, who had been referred to by myself and others as 'stonehands' early in the season, scored the GWG and forced me to (once again) recant such nicknames. conroy managed to stay out of the sinbin. tanguay took a shot on goal during a two-on-one. the flames overcame a three-goal defecit to win in regulation.... this is the stuff that dreams are made of....
the bad news is, of course, that the sharks will probably not just lie down and die. the sheer number of times marleau will have seen the replay of himself getting wallpapered by a defenseman wearing red by gametime on tuesday should, by all accounts, fire up the boys from NoCal. the other bad news is, of course, i will be in attendance for game 4. the worst news is that i will be forced to wear one of my jerseys.... if any of you are the betting type, i would place all your money on the sharks to blow the flames out of the infested water.....
i'm hanging on to the fact that, in my limited mathematics skills, the flames were 6-3-3 while i was in the dome this year ---the last game being a loss (so we're due for a win). AND i'll be spending part of the afternoon with a director flying in from LA for the calgary underground film festival, which has never been done pre-game by me before.... oh, and also ? i'm pretty sure the wins/losses have absolutely nothing to do with me....
other notes:
- did anyone notice that, with the new brohawk, sarich has ears just like regehr ???
- nice to see some emotion outta kipper, even if it did mean nearly taking off some poor equipment guy's head.
- love him or hate him, sean avery is a punchably innovative hockey player. personally ? i love the guy... though i'm glad he plays in the EC. if he was a canuck or an oiler, DAMN i would detest that dude....
- i think i was drunk when i picked my hockey pools.... more on that some other time (as in: if/when the flames get knocked out)
- the hardhat has resurfaced in boston, with marc savard wearing one in post-game interviews after his overtime goal. coupled with ference's newly shorn brohawk, i figure andy and chuck still have love for their time in cowtown....
Sunday, April 13, 2008
game 3 pregame: short but sweet
i don't really have much to say on the game tonight. if we win, it'll be good. if we lose, it'll be bad (REALLY bad cause i predict a game 4 loss, as i will be in attendance).
awildermode dropped me this amusing link the other day, so i thought i'd share with you all.
awildermode dropped me this amusing link the other day, so i thought i'd share with you all.
Friday, April 11, 2008
game 2 postgame: classic flames hockey
remember when a classic flames' hockey game was fought hard and won in the corners ? back in the sutter-as-coach era and for decades before that ? yeah.... i remember. those were the good ol' days.
in the last couple years (let's call it the playfair era), a "classic" flames game has been defined by taking ridiculous behind-the-play penalties, getting phantom calls against them and losing the game while someone in a flaming C watched from the box. last night's game certainly fit that description 100%.... it was par for the course (and i mean that in the most sarcastic, double-entendre sort of way)....
by the time we started to see the 'payback penalties' called against the sharks in the third period, the damage had already been done... and let's not forget that their PK is hella stronger than our PP...
in saying that, i was quoted as a "calgary flames superfan" in the herald today, which i find rather amusing. it's an article about people who hate the flames in the playoffs.... i was supposed to be the opposing tack. i gave her a few good soundbytes but the one she seemed to like was the one that was most a propos this morning, anyways (and the one that finished off her story):
"I hate to be a naysayer, but the way the Flames have been playing this year, the pain of the post-season shouldn't last too long."
sounds about right to me....
in the last couple years (let's call it the playfair era), a "classic" flames game has been defined by taking ridiculous behind-the-play penalties, getting phantom calls against them and losing the game while someone in a flaming C watched from the box. last night's game certainly fit that description 100%.... it was par for the course (and i mean that in the most sarcastic, double-entendre sort of way)....
by the time we started to see the 'payback penalties' called against the sharks in the third period, the damage had already been done... and let's not forget that their PK is hella stronger than our PP...
in saying that, i was quoted as a "calgary flames superfan" in the herald today, which i find rather amusing. it's an article about people who hate the flames in the playoffs.... i was supposed to be the opposing tack. i gave her a few good soundbytes but the one she seemed to like was the one that was most a propos this morning, anyways (and the one that finished off her story):
"I hate to be a naysayer, but the way the Flames have been playing this year, the pain of the post-season shouldn't last too long."
sounds about right to me....
Thursday, April 10, 2008
i hear there's something on TONIGHT too ??
last night's game was well fought by both teams. well, everyone except sarich.
here's the problem: he's given the hardest matchups cause he's on the shut-down pair with regehr, but he's not as big or as fast as reggie, so he lets guys get a step on him and he's forced to hook/hold/trip. was he this bad in tampa ???? there is, unfortunately, only one solution for this: he needs to get better and fast. even though vandermeer might look solid next to #28, i think it's too late to start playin' around with this pairing....
the second sharks goal doesn't count, if you ask me. it was a situation where the flames players couldn't get a change and had been out there for near a minute, methinks. not to mention that keenan's dream 6-on-5 matchup probably wouldn't have included hale, primeau, or nystrom. other than sarich and that goal, i thought the flames held up remarkably well.
aside from my sarich heckling, my post for the NYtimes slapshot blog was also bang-on in predicting the sharktank having a hate-on for our #3. that was a lot of booing. the sharks also clearly had a game plan to shake dion up, which they did fairly well. the problem is: dion is young and tough. sure he'll be tired today, but so will all the guys who were trying to knock him over....
one final comment: conroy needs to learn how to feather a shot into the opposing end. seriously. somebody teach'im.... i have no idea how many icings that guy produced but the tv timeout was definitely on our side in the third last night. wow.
here's the problem: he's given the hardest matchups cause he's on the shut-down pair with regehr, but he's not as big or as fast as reggie, so he lets guys get a step on him and he's forced to hook/hold/trip. was he this bad in tampa ???? there is, unfortunately, only one solution for this: he needs to get better and fast. even though vandermeer might look solid next to #28, i think it's too late to start playin' around with this pairing....
the second sharks goal doesn't count, if you ask me. it was a situation where the flames players couldn't get a change and had been out there for near a minute, methinks. not to mention that keenan's dream 6-on-5 matchup probably wouldn't have included hale, primeau, or nystrom. other than sarich and that goal, i thought the flames held up remarkably well.
aside from my sarich heckling, my post for the NYtimes slapshot blog was also bang-on in predicting the sharktank having a hate-on for our #3. that was a lot of booing. the sharks also clearly had a game plan to shake dion up, which they did fairly well. the problem is: dion is young and tough. sure he'll be tired today, but so will all the guys who were trying to knock him over....
one final comment: conroy needs to learn how to feather a shot into the opposing end. seriously. somebody teach'im.... i have no idea how many icings that guy produced but the tv timeout was definitely on our side in the third last night. wow.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
i hear there's something on tonight..... ?
today is my first day off in two weeks and i'm planning to spend most of it in bed and on the sofa just chillaxxin'.... i've got two playoff pools to select players for by 5pm and a questionnaire to fill out on why it's exciting for calgarians that the flames made the post-season. other than that, it's gonna be cups of tea and some sportsnet so i can try to catch up on what the pundits think will happen in the first round. i will post maggie the monkey's picks as soon as i find 'em...
what i DID find time for, between all the juno parties, work & the occasional bit of sleep, was the new york times slapshot blog. they've posted head-to-head questions for each playoff matchup. this is my take on the FLAMES v. SHARKS....
onward and upward ! fingers crossed for a win in the sharktank tonight !!!!
for the record, maggie the monkey picked the pens, habs, sharks, ducks & wings, the same as MG, but also spun wins for the flyers, wild & devils....
what i DID find time for, between all the juno parties, work & the occasional bit of sleep, was the new york times slapshot blog. they've posted head-to-head questions for each playoff matchup. this is my take on the FLAMES v. SHARKS....
onward and upward ! fingers crossed for a win in the sharktank tonight !!!!
for the record, maggie the monkey picked the pens, habs, sharks, ducks & wings, the same as MG, but also spun wins for the flyers, wild & devils....
Monday, April 7, 2008
flames v. nucks postgame: separated at birth series PT 5
sorry this is so late. and it's totally anticlimactic too cause it's been done. BUT, i had five up my sleeve and i know now i should've made more cause damn, then we would've won more. i didn't even get to watch the boys beat up on the canucks due to an unbelieveably hectic juno schedule. waaay too fun this weekend... i saw 4am every night....
in juno-meets-hockey news, lanny mcdonald and colin patterson both said hi to me as i passed them returning to their seats from getting beers (both were double fisting... LOVE IT). that made me blush. i also passed dion, davey moss and young nystrom as they entered the concourse from the club seats ---i presume also in search of booze. snappy dressers those boys are....

toskala naslund.... uh hunh....
more later.
in juno-meets-hockey news, lanny mcdonald and colin patterson both said hi to me as i passed them returning to their seats from getting beers (both were double fisting... LOVE IT). that made me blush. i also passed dion, davey moss and young nystrom as they entered the concourse from the club seats ---i presume also in search of booze. snappy dressers those boys are....

toskala naslund.... uh hunh....
more later.
Friday, April 4, 2008
a love letter to the edmonton oilers
dear greasers:
i know in the past we haven't really gotten along. infact, there have been times i have sincerely disliked you from the very pit of my flaming heart. but in the last few months something inside me has changed.... i'm not sure if it's because you faced the same fate a few years ago (making it to the finals and losing) or if it's because i'm impressed by the way you overcame such adversity to become an incredibly exciting team to watch ---but i was pulling for you this year in a way i never have before....
you are a classy hockey team, edmonton. i know this because you knocked off vancouver last night to allow us a playoff spot, even though we were the ones to send you out to the golfcourse this year. we probably don't deserve how nice you've been to us....
seriously.... that's humbling.
my sincerest gratitude (till next year, of course),
i know in the past we haven't really gotten along. infact, there have been times i have sincerely disliked you from the very pit of my flaming heart. but in the last few months something inside me has changed.... i'm not sure if it's because you faced the same fate a few years ago (making it to the finals and losing) or if it's because i'm impressed by the way you overcame such adversity to become an incredibly exciting team to watch ---but i was pulling for you this year in a way i never have before....
you are a classy hockey team, edmonton. i know this because you knocked off vancouver last night to allow us a playoff spot, even though we were the ones to send you out to the golfcourse this year. we probably don't deserve how nice you've been to us....
seriously.... that's humbling.
my sincerest gratitude (till next year, of course),
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
flames v. oil postgame: separated at birth series PT 4
i've been so busy lately with a couple of ridiculous jobs (one of em is coors light mystery mansion, which i'm sure you'll all have alot of comments about when it finally airs in the summer). anyhow. i missed out on the haiku action, as i didn't feel witty at all when i got home last night after a string of 14-hour days...
this is the best of the lot. i'm so glad i had it in the bank cause DAMN if i have time right now to think about who phaneuf looks like.... ;)

i'm still hoping for two more wins, even though i've only got one more separated at birth smilemaker for you guys... and it's kindof been done.
huzzah !!!
go flames !!!
this is the best of the lot. i'm so glad i had it in the bank cause DAMN if i have time right now to think about who phaneuf looks like.... ;)

i'm still hoping for two more wins, even though i've only got one more separated at birth smilemaker for you guys... and it's kindof been done.
huzzah !!!
go flames !!!
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